Combined Minds

Combined Minds


Combined Minds is an app developed for teenage mental health charity stem4 by Dr. Nihara Krause, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, to help families and friends support young people with their mental health.

Combined Minds is a free app to help families and friends support a young person who has certain mental ill-health conditions. It helps them find ways to provide the right environment to help the young person affect their own change. This approach also helps families and friends search for their own strengths, creating a solid connection and supportive network.

Combined Minds is intended to support young people aged 11 and over. It provides parents/carers and friends with ways to identify the strengths of a young person and offers suggestions on areas of focus. It is not a diagnostic tool or a treatment approach and does not replace the assessment and intervention of a mental health professional.





Tags: app, teenage, mental health, families, digital, support

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