There are 34 listings in Alcohol
Addaction: Addiction Support Leader
We're Addaction. We're one of the UK's leading drug, alcohol and mental health charities. We believe everyone can change.
Tags: wellbeing, drugs, alcohol, addiction
Treacle wheel
Al-Anon: Alcoholism Support Network
Al-Anon - Here for anyone whose life is or has been affected by someone else's drinking.
Tags: addiction, sober, addict, alcohol
Treacle wheel
Alcohol Change UK
Alcohol Change UK - Our fact sheets set out the latest evidence to help you find out more about alcohol.
Tags: addict, addiction, sober, drinking [...]
Alcoholics Anonymous
Alcoholics Anonymous - If you need help with a drinking problem.
Tags: addict, addiction, sober, drinking too much
Treacle wheel
Better Health NHS
We have a range of tools and support to help you live a healthy life.
Tags: wellbeing, support, get fit, exercise, healthy eating
Dear Albert
Dear Albert
Dear Albert helps individuals to stop taking alcohol and drugs. If you would like help and information on how to address any [...]
Derbyshire Alcohol Advice Service
We provide information, guidance and support for both individuals, family members and loved ones as well as running specialist projects around our Ex-Forces Community.
Tags: [...]
42 St Mary's Gate, Chesterfield, S41 7TH S41 7TH
Working to reduce alcohol misuse and harm in the UK to help people make better choices about drinking by providing information, advice and practical [...]
DrinkCoach was launched in 2013 by a pioneering team from Haringey Advisory Group on Alcohol (HAGA) to help individuals track and change their drinking. [...]
Drinkline: Alcohol Support Helpline
Drinkline is a confidential advice and information line for anyone who wants more information about alcohol, local services that can help or simply to [...]
DrugFam: Addiction Family Support
At DrugFAM we understand the difficulties of living with or caring for someone who misuses drugs, alcohol or gambling and how easily family, friends [...]
The Friday/Monday website has been produced by Terrence Higgins Trust, the UK’s leading HIV and sexual health charity. The website hosts an online group [...]
Health for Teens
Information about all areas of your health.
Tags: healthy body, healthy mind, support, young people, teenagers, stress, peer pressure, relationships, sexual health
Horizons: Recovery Support Service
North Yorkshire Horizons is a drug and alcohol recovery service provided, on behalf of North Yorkshire County Council.
Tags: drugs, alcohol, recovery
Human Kind
Humankind offers services covering drugs and alcohol, clinical services, housing related support, housing, employment, training and education, health and well-being, children, young people and [...]
Keighley Pathways
Offering telephone support with food poverty, electricity & gas, welfare advice, mental health and housing.
15-17 Devonshire St, Keighley BD21 2BH BD21 2BH
Live Life Better Derbyshire
Live Life Better Derbyshire - We offer help on a wide range of topics including stopping smoking, weight management and advice on how to [...]
Derbyshire, Derbyshire County Council, Room 110, County Hall, Matlock, DE4 3AG DE4 3AG
National Association for Children of Alcoholics
National Association for Children of Alcoholics - Providing information, advice and support for everyone affected by a parent's drinking.
Tags: alcohol, children, support, alcoholism
National Organisation for FASD
The National Organisation for FASD provides support to people with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD), their families and communities; campaigns to raise public awareness; [...]
New Directions
We are a free and confidential drug and alcohol recovery service.
Tags: addiction, drugs, addicted, substance abuse, heroin, cocaine, narcotics, drug habit, addict, marijuana, cannabis, [...]
Oasis Recovery Bradford
Oasis Recovery Bradford - For those who need a medically managed detox with 24/7 nursing care before they go on to a full rehabilitation [...]
21A Bolling Road Bradford West Yorkshire BD4 7BG
Project 6: Substance Recovery Support
Project 6 is an award winning voluntary sector drug and alcohol charity based in Keighley.
Tags: addiction recovery, addiction, drugs, alcohol problem, addicted, substance, drug [...]
15-17 Devonshire St, Keighley BD21 2BH BD21 2BH
Rhubarb Farm
Rhubarb Farm is a horticultural social enterprise which provides training, placement and volunteering opportunities for vulnerable people with a wide range of needs and [...]
Community Interest Company Hardwick Street Langwith NG20 9DR
Self Help Leaflets
Self Help Leaflets covering a wide range of topics.
Tags: self help, alcohol, anxiety, depression, bereavement, abuse
Self-Harm Support Lancashire & Yorkshire
Self-Harm Support Lancashire & Yorkshire. Self-Harm Support is a Support Group run by people that have been involved in and facilitated Support Groups since [...]
SMART Recovery UK
Helping individuals recover from any addictive behaviour and lead meaningful & satisfying lives.
Tags: substance abuse, drug habit, addict, illegal drugs, recovery, online help
Stem4 supporting teenage mental health
Free mental health resources for teenagers, including leaflets, videos and guides on a range of topics.
Tags: anxiety, depression, self-harm, eatring disorders, addiction, stress
Talk to Frank
Talk to Frank for facts, support and advice on drugs and alcohol today.
Tags: support, advice, drugs, alcohol
The Bridge Project
Providing drug treatment services and recovery focused support and employment, education and training services for people with significant barriers to employment.
Tags: job, jobs, find [...]
35 Salem Street Bradford West Yorkshire BD1 4QH
Tong Wellbeing Hub
A wide range of support including benefits, employment, fitness, alcohol dependency and domestic violence.
Tags: warm space, community support
51 Kyffin Place, Bradford, UK BD4 8NB
Turning Point Bradford
Turning Point Bradford - Working with people who need support with drug and alcohol use, mental health, offending behaviour, unemployment issues and people with [...]
Midland Hotel, Cheapside, Bradford, UK BD1 4HR
We Are With You
Need to talk? We are with you. Get free, confidential support with alcohol, drugs or mental health from one of our local services or [...]